„ZIBU Ventspils” Ltd. operates in the peat industry since 1998. Core business of the company is the production and sale of the peat. The company is mainly engaged in exporting. The company annually produces about 200 000 m3 of peat. Distribution of peat is performed as follows:
- Loose peat (shipping);
- Extruded peat („BIG BALE”)

At the company there are registered the following departments:
- Packing department - „Virziķi”, Varve district, Ventspils region;
- Office - Vītolu Street 14, Ventspils;
- Peatbog „Purvāji” - rural territory of Valdemārpils, Talsi region;
- Peatbog „Krastkalni”, rural territory Valdemārpils, Talsi region;
- Peatbog „Piesaule” - Ārlava district, Talsi region;